• How to Backup and Restore the Configuration of a Cisco Router


    When would you need this: When you plan to upgrade the IOS, plan to implement something new in the configuration, or when you need to copy the configuration from one router to the other.

    Special Requirements: None.

    Before starting the procedure of configuration backup or restore, you will need to install TFTP server software on a PC connected to the router Ethernet interface. There are many free downloadable TFTP servers’ software on the Internet, however, our recommendation is Free TFTP Server 6.0.

    Afterwards, you make sure to direct the TFTP server to the folder that you want to contain the backups, and that the TFTP server has enough free space to contain the backups.

    1. Create a console connection with the default settings (9600 baud, 8 databits, 0 parity bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control).

    2. Check the connectivity between the router and the TFTP server with the ‘ping’ command.

    3. Start copying the configuration to the TFTP server:

    Router#copy run tftp


    Router#copy start tftp

    Then you will be asked for the IP address of the TFTP server

    Address or name of remote host []? XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

    Afterwards, you will be asked for a destination file name to be saved on the TFTP server

    Destination filename [Router-confg]? backup_cfg_for__routerX

    It is better to choose a descriptive name so you would not mix the different configuration files.

    Now you will see the progress of the operation


    xxxx bytes copied in y.yyy secs (zzz bytes/sec)

    The configuration file is usually copied quickly because it usually not more than few kilobytes.

    The backup procedure is now over. You can open the file copied to the TFTP server with the text editor and view or modify it.

    The restore procedure is done by replacing step 3 of the previous procedure with the following:

    Router#copy tftp run


    Router#copy tftp start

    Now you will be asked to provide the TFTP server IP address

    Address or name of remote host []? XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

    Then you will be asked for the source file name

    Source filename []?backup_cfg_for__routerX

    Destination filename [running-config]?          <<< or [startup-config]

    Accessing tftp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/backup_cfg_for_routerX…

    Loading backup_cfg_for_router from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (via FastEthernet0/0): !

    [OK – xxxx bytes]


    xxxx bytes copied in y.yyy secs (zzz bytes/sec)


    It is advised that you remove any configuration lines containing ‘AAA’ commands from the backup file before restoring so you would not have any security problems accessing the router. You can do that with any text editor.

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    Read the rest of the article in the Router Geek Book: Guide to Cisco Routers Configuration


    • […] 3. Although the upgrade will be happening in the flash and the configuration is saved in the NVRAM, make a backup of the configuration. This is recommended in case something goes wrong in the upgrade. Also, make a backup copy of the IOS you already have on the router. In case the new IOS image is corrupted, you will be on the safe side. For the backup process, please refer to the IOS backup procedure and configuration backup procedure. […]

    • […] 3. Although the upgrade will be happening in the flash and the configuration is saved in the NVRAM, make a backup of the configuration. This is recommended in case something goes wrong in the upgrade. Also, make a backup copy of the IOS you already have on the router. In case the new IOS image is corrupted, you will be on the safe side. For the backup process, please refer to the IOS backup procedure and configuration backup procedure. […]

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